Commands Keyboard Focus

[ Play Edit Selection
] Play Timeline Selection
/ Nudge Play Later By Next Bigger Grid
\ Nudge Play Earlier By Grid
0 Timeline Selection To Edit Selection
Move Edit Insertion To Next Edit
; Move Edit Insertion To Next Track
6 Play To Edit Start
7 Play From Edit Start
8 Play To Edit End
9 Play From Edit End
A Trim Clip Start To Cursor
B Separate
C Copy
D Fade from Start
E Zoom Toggle
F Crossfade With No Dialog
G Fade Out From Cursor To End Of Clip
H Snap Clip Start To Play Position
I Snap Clip End To Current Timecode
J Snap Clip Sync Point To Play Position
K Snap Clip End To Play Position
L Move Edit Insertion To Previous Edit
M Nudge Play Earlier By Next Bigger Grid
N Toggle Insertion Follows Playback
O Edit Selection To Timeline Selection
P Move Edit Insertion To Previous Track
Q Display Timeline Selection Start
R Zoom Out Horizontal
S Trim Clip End To Cursor
T Zoom In Horizontal
U Move Clip Sync Point To Current Timecode
V Paste
W Display Timeline Selection End
X Cut
Y Move Clip Start To Current Timecode
Z Undo
Shift+Z Redo
- Toggle Playlist View Mode


⌘ S Sign in or Sign out
⌘ 1 Select Create tab
⌘ 2 Select Recent tab
⌘ 3 Select Projects tab
⌘ ← → Type menu (Project or Session)
⌘ T Enable or disable the Create from Template option
⌥ ↑ ↓ Toggle through Template Groups
↑ ↓ Navigate through focused Template, Session, or Project list
⌘ F Toggle between Files types (WAV or AIFF)
control,b ⌘ B Toggle through Bit Depth options (16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit floating)
⌘ R Toggle through Sample Rate options
⌘ I Toggle through the available IO Setup options
⌘ G Enable or disable the Interleaved option
⌘ O Open from Disk (sessions only)
Home/End Select the item at the top or bottom of the displayed list


Start/stop playback
⇧ ␣ Half-speed playback
Pause ⌃ ␣
⌥ [ Play Edit selection
⌘ ⌃ P Dynamic Transport Mode toggle
⌘ \ Transport Master toggle


Start Record ⌘ ␣
Stop Record
⌘ . Stop record and discard take
Half-speed record ⌘ ⇧ ␣
⌘ ⌥ ␣ Enable/disable online record
⌥ L Loop Record toggle
⌘ ⇧ T TrackPunch toggle
⌘ ⇧ P QuickPunch toggle
⌘ K Enable/disable pre/post-roll time

Transport Mode (Numeric Keypad)

0 Play/Stop
1 Rewind
2 Fast Forward
3 Record Enable
4 Loop Playback Mode On/Off
5 Loop Record Mode On/Off
6 Quick Punch Mode On/Off
7 Click On/Off
8 Countoff On/Off
9 Midi Merge/Replace Mode On/Off

Shuttle Mode (Numeric Keypad - Pro Tools Ultimate Only)

6 1 x Forward playback speed
4 1 x Rewind playback speed
9 4 x Forward playback speed
7 4 x Rewind playback speed
3 1/4 x Forward playback speed
1 1/4 x Rewind playback speed
5+6 1/2 x Forward playback speed
5+4 1/2 x Rewind playback speed
8+9 2 x Forward playback speed
8+7 2 x Backward playback speed
2+3 1/16 x Forward playback speed
2+1 1/16 x Backward playback speed
0 Loop Playback of Edit Selection

Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle


Auditioning Pro Tools/MMC

⌥ ← → Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end
⌘ ← → Play by post-roll value from selection start/end
⌘ ⌥ ← → Play by pre and post-roll value through selection start/end
⌘ ← → Cue Transport to selection start/end
⌥ ← → Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection start/end

Edit Modes and Edit Tools

⇧ F4 Enable Snap To Grid while in another mode
F1 F4 Enable Snap to Grid and Shuffle mode
F2 F4 Enable Snap to Grid and Slip mode
F3 F4 Enable Snap to Grid and Spot mode
Smart Tool F6 F7
Cycle through Edit tools

Edit Selection, Definition, and Navigation

⌘ ⌥ ⇥ Enable or disable Tab to Transients command
Locate cursor to next transient
⌥ ⇥ Locate cursor to previous transient
Locate cursor to next Clip-boundary/sync point
⌃ ⇥ Locate cursor to previous Clip boundary/sync point
⌃ ⇥ Go to and select next Clip
⌃ ⌥ ⇥ Go to and select previous Clip
⌃ ↩ Go to Song Start
⇧ ⌃ ↩ Extend selection to Song Start
⇧ ⇥ Extend selection to next Clip-boundary
⌥ ⇧ ⇥ Extend selection to previous Clip-boundary
⌃ ⇧ ⇥ Extend selection to include next Clip
⌃ ⇧ ⌥ ⇥ Extend selection to include previous Clip
Return to start of session
⌥ ↩ Go to end of session
⇧ ↩ Extend selection to start of session
⌥ ⇧ ↩ Extend selection to end of session
⇧ / Link Timeline and Edit selection
↑ ↓ Set selection start/end during playback
↑ ↓ Set selection start/end to incoming time code while stopped
⌘ ⌃ ⌥ ' Move selection forward by the selection amount
⌘ ⌃ ⌥ L Move selection backward by the selection amount
⌘ ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ ' Double length of Edit selection
⌘ ⌃ ⌥ ⇧ L Halve length of selection
⌥ ⇧ E Cancel Zoom toggle and remain at same zoom level
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ ↑ ↓ Fit all shown tracks in Edit window
⇧ R Record enable tracks that contain Edit cursor or Edit selection
⇧ I Track Input Monitor enable tracks that contain Edit cursor or Edit selection
⇧ S Solo tracks that contain Edit cursor or Edit selection
⇧ M Mute tracks that contain Edit cursor or Edit selection
Move insertion to beginning of Edit selection
Move insertion to end of Edit selection
⌃ ↑ ↓ Increase or decrease height of any lane that contains Edit cursor or Edit selection

Editing, Nudging, Trimming

⌃ ⌥ + or - Change Grid value
⌘ ⌥ + or - Change Nudge value
⇧ + or - Nudge start/end data to right/left by Nudge value (keeps underlying audio and moves start/end)
⌃ + or - Nudge data within current Clip to right/left by Nudge value (keeps Clip start/end and moves underlying audio)
⌥ ⇧ + or - Nudge left selection boundary right/left by Nudge value
⌘ ⇧ + or - Nudge right selection boundary right/left by Nudge value
⌥ + or - Trim left edge of Clip to right/left by Nudge value
⌘ + or - Trim right edge of Clip to right/left by Nudge value

MIDI Note Editing

Transpose up one semitone
Transpose down one semitone
⌥ ↑ Copy and transpose up one semitone
⌥ ↓ Copy and transpose down one semitone
⇧ ↑ Transpose up one octave
⇧ ↓ Transpose down one octave
⌥ ⇧ ↑ Copy and transpose up one octave
⌥ ⇧ ↓ Copy and transpose down one octave
⌃ ↑ Transpose up in key
⌃ ↓ Transpose down in key
⌥ ⌃ ↑ Copy and transpose up in key
⌥ ⌃ ↓ Copy and transpose down in key
⌘ ↑ Increase velocity by five
⌘ ↓ Decrease velocity by five
⌘ ⇧ ↑ Increase velocity by fifteen
⌘ ⇧ ↓ Decrease velocity by fifteen
Select previous note
Select next note
⇧ ← Add previous note to the current selection
⇧ → Add next note to the current selection
⌃ ← Trim note start to the left
⌃ → Trim note start to the right
⌥ ← Trim note end to the left
⌥ → Trim note end to the right
⌃ ⇧ ← Trim note start to the left by the next value
⌃ ⇧ → Trim note start to the right by the next value
⌥ ⇧ ← Trim note end to the left by the next value
⌥ ⇧ → Trim note end to the right by the next value

Clip Gain

⌃ ⇧ - Show or hide Clip Gain Line
⌃ ⇧ = Show or hide Clip Gain Info
⌃ ⇧ E Add Clip Gain breakpoint at current Edit location
⌃ ⇧ ↑ Nudge selected clip gain up
⌃ ⇧ ↓ Nudge selected clip gain down
⌃ ⇧ B Clear Clip Gain
⌃ ⇧ X Cut Clip Gain
⌃ ⇧ C Copy Clip Gain
⌘ V Paste Clip Gain

Clip Effects

Cut Clip Effects ⌘ ⌥ ⌃ X
Copy Clip Effects ⌘ ⌥ ⌃ C
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ B Clear Clip Effects
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ S Save current Clip Effects settings

Track Compositing

⇧ S Solo Playlist lane containing Edit cursor
⇧ ↑ ↓ Show the previous or next playlist in the main playlist for tracks that contain the Edit cursor
⌘ ⇧ → To designate the Target Playlist for the playlist containing the Edit insertion
⌘ ⌥ ⇧ → To designate the Target Playlist for the playlist containing the Edit insertion for all tracks
⇧ → To show the Target Playlist as the Main Playlist
⇧ ← To toggle between the current and most recent Main playlists
⌥ ⇧ T Move the selection to the Target Playlist
⌥ ⇧ ↓ Copy the selection to a new playlist
⌥ ⇧ N Move the selection to a new playlist
⌘ ⇧ ↑ To cycle in material in the Edit selection from the previous playlist
⌘ ⇧ ↓ To cycle in material in the Edit selection from the next playlist
⌃ \ Create a new playlist for first selected track in session
⌃ ⌥ \ Create a new playlist for each track in session
⌥ ⌃ ⇧ \ Create a new playlist for each selected track in session
⌘ ⌃ \ Duplicate main playlist for first selected track in session
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ \ Duplicate main playlist for each track in session
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ ⇧ \ Duplicate main playlist for each selected track in session


⌘ [ or ] Horizontal zoom in or out
⌘ ⌃ [ Zoom to show entire session horizontally without affecting vertical zoom or scrolling
⌘ ⌃ ] Zoom in horizontally on a selection without affecting vertical zoom or scrolling
⌘ ⌥ ⌃ [ Vertical zoom to show default waveform height (Audio)
⌘ ⌥ [ or ] Incrementally zoom vertically on all audio tracks
⌘ ⇧ [ or ] Vertical zoom in or out (MIDI)
⌘ ⌃ ⇧ [ Vertical zoom to show all notes (lowest to highest) in MIDI and Instrument (MIDI)
⌥ A Vertical zoom to show all tracks
⌥ ⌃ A Horizontal zoom to show all tracks
⌥ F Horizontal zoom and scroll timeline excluding MIDI events
⌥ ⌃ F Horizontal zoom to selection, including MIDI events
⌘ ⌥ [ or ] Incrementally zoom vertically on all audio tracks
⌃ E Zoom Toggle
⌥ ⇧ E Cancel Zoom Toggle and remain at same zoom level

Memory Locations and Markers

Create Memory Location
⌃ N Toggle Timeline Insertion/Play Start Marker Follows Playback preference on/off


⌥ - Toggle Track View on all tracks
⌃ ⌘ ← → Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks included in current selection
⌃ ⌥ ⌘ ← → Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks
⌘ ⌥ H Copy Automation to Send
⌘ ⌥ T Thin Automation
⌘ / Write Automation to Current Parameter
⌘ ⌥ / Write Automation to All Enabled Parameters
⌘ ⇧ / Trim Automation to Current Parameter
⌘ ⌥ ⇧ / Trim Automation to All Enabled Parameters
⌥ / Glide Automation to Current Parameter
⌥ ⇧ / Glide Automation to All Enabled Parameters
⌘ ⌃ V Special Paste of automation data between different controls
delete Delete
⌘ X Cut
⌘ C Copy
⌘ D Duplicate
⌘ B Clear
⌘ ⇧ E Insert Silence


⌘ F Create Fades (open Fades dialog)
⌘ ⌃ F Apply crossfade without opening Fades dialog (uses last selected fade shape)
⌥ D Fade to Start
⌥ G Fade to End
Audition start/stop in Fades dialog
⌃ ↑ ↓ Cycle up/down through Out Shape parameter options
⌥ ↑ ↓ Cycle up/down through In Shape parameter options
↑ ↓ Cycle up/down through Link parameter options
⌃ ← → Cycle up/down through preset Out Shape curves
⌥ ← → Cycle up/down through preset In Shape curves

Add New Tracks

Clip List

⌘ ⇧ F Find Clip
⌘ ⇧ D Clear Find
⌘ ⇧ 1 Show/Hide Audio Clips
⌘ ⇧ 2 Show/Hide MIDI Clips
⌘ ⇧ 3 Show/Hide Groups
⌘ ⌥ K Show/Hide Auto-Created Clip
⌘ ⇧ A Select All Clips in Clip List
⌘ ⇧ U Select Unused Clips
⌘ ⇧ B Clear selected Clips
⌘ ⇧ R Rename selected Clips
⌘ ⇧ M Time Stamp selected Clips
⌘ ⇧ Y Export Clip Definition
⌘ ⇧ K Export Clips as Files

Elastic Audio

Plug-In Inserts and Sends

⇧ A Bypass (or unbypass) all inserts on selected tracks
⇧ 1 Bypass (or unbypass) inserts A–E on selected tracks
⇧ 2 Bypass (or unbypass) inserts F–J on selected tracks
⇧ E Bypass (or unbypass) all EQ plug-ins on selected tracks
⇧ C Bypass (or unbypass) all Dynamics plug-ins on selected tracks
⇧ V Bypass (or unbypass) all Reverb plug-ins on selected tracks
⇧ D Bypass (or unbypass) all Delay plug-ins on selected tracks
⇧ W Bypass (or unbypass) all Modulation plug-ins on selected tracks
⇧ 3 Mute (or unmute) Sends A–E on selected tracks
⇧ 4 Mute (or unmute) Sends F–J on selected tracks
⇧ Q Mute (or unmute) all sends (A–J) on selected tracks

File Menu

⌘ N New Session
⌘ O Open Session
⌘ ⇧ O Open Recent
⌘ ⇧ W Close Session
⌘ S Save Session
⌘ ⌥ B Bounce To Disk
⇧ ⌥ I Import Session Data
⌘ ⇧ I Import Audio
⌘ ⌥ I Import MIDI
⌘ P Print Score from Pro Tools Session

Edit Menu

⌘ Z Undo
⌘ ⇧ Z Redo
⌘ X Cut
⌘ C Copy
⌘ V Paste
⌘ B Clear
⌘ A Select All
⌃ ⇧ X Cut Special Cut Clip Gain
⌃ ⇧ C Copy Special Copy Clip Gain
⌥ M Paste Special Merge
⌘ ⌥ V Paste Special Repeat to Fill Selection
⌘ ⌃ V Paste Special to Current Automation Type
⌃ ⇧ B Clear Special Clear Clip Gain
⌥ [ Play Edit Selection
⌥ ] Play Timeline Selection
⌘ D Duplicate selection
⌥ R Repeat selection
⌥ H Shift selection
⌘ ⇧ E Insert Silence
⌘ T Trim Clip to Selection
⌥ ⇧ 7 Trim Clip Start to Insertion
⌥ ⇧ 8 Trim Clip End to Insertion
⌘ E Separate Clip at Selection
⌘ H Heal Separation
⌘ U Strip Silence
⌥ ⇧ 3 Consolidate selection
⌥ ⇧ U TCE Edit to Timeline selection
⌘ ⌥ Z Restore Last Selection

View Menu

⌘ ⌥ M View Narrow Mix window option
⌥ 7 Show/Hide Universe display
⌥ 7 Show/Hide Clip Effects display

Track Menu

⌘ ⇧ N New Track
⌘ G Group Tracks
⌥ ⇧ D Duplicate Tracks
⌥ ⇧ C Commit Track
⌘ ⌥ ⇧ B Bounce Track
⌥ K Auto Input Monitoring/Input Only Monitoring (Pro Tools only)
⌥ K Set Record Tracks to Input Only/Set Record Tracks to Auto Input (Pro Tools Ultimate)
⌘ ⌥ F Scroll to Track number
⌥ C Clear all Clip indicators

Clip Menu

⌘ M Mute/Unmute Clips
⌘ L Lock/Unlock Clips
⌥ ⌃ L Time Lock/Unlock the selected Clip
⌥ ⇧ F Bring to Front
⌥ ⇧ B Send to Back
⌘ ⌥ G Group Clips
⌘ ⌥ U Ungroup Clips
⌘ ⌥ R Regroup Clips
⌘ ⌥ L Loop Clips
⌘ R Capture Clip
⌘ , Identify Sync Point
⌘ 0 Quantize Clip to Nearest Grid

Step Input

1 Whole note
2 1/2 note
4 1/4 note
5 1/8 note
6 1/16 note
7 1/32 note
8 1/64 note
. Dotted note
3 Toggle Tuplet on/off
Enter Next step
0 Undo step
Plus (+) Nudge forward
Minus (–) Nudge back
Equals (=) Select Main Location indicator
/ Edit Selection indicators

Workspace: Global Shortcuts

⌥ ; Open the Workspace browser if no browser is currently open
⌥ ; Cycle through open Workspace browsers
⌥ I Open a new Workspace browser focused on Volumes
⌥ O Open a new Workspace browser focused on the Project
⌥ O Move up one level in a browser
⌥ ' Open the Task Manager window
⌥ J Bring all browsers to the foreground
⌥ ⇧ J Send all browsers to the back
⌘ ↓ Open a selected folder in the current Workspace browser
⌘ ⌥ ↓ Open a selected folder in its own new Workspace browser
⌘ ← → Cycle to previous/next browsers
⌘ F Simple search
⌘ ⇧ F Advanced search on a selected or checked items in the Locations pane
⌘ ⇧ F Switch from advanced search to simple search or vice versa
⇧ + Add row of search criteria to Advanced search
⇧ - Remove row or search criteria from Advanced search
⌃ 1-5 View presets in Workspace browsers

Workspace: Auditioning

Browser Item: Start or stop auditioning from head
⌥ ␣ Audio Import dialog: Start or stop auditioning from head
Audio Import dialog: Start or stop auditioning from head
⌥ ␣ Browser Item: Start or stop loop auditioning from head
⌘ P Start or stop preview when browser is front-most window
Stop preview when browser is front-most window
⌘ P Import Audio dialog: Start or stop auditioning

Workspace: Delete or Duplicate

delete Clip List: Delete selected Clip from the timeline
delete Browser Item: Delete items from the browser/disk
⌘ delete Delete locked files selected in a browser
⌥ delete Delete any selected browser item, and suppresses any warning dialog
⌘ D Create duplicates of any selected files